Our Partners in Europe

Our Partners in Europe

Authentic Slovakia is a proud member of Private Guides of Europe, a place where you can find the best guides and tour operators for different European countries. If you are traveling in Europe and looking to enrich your journey, we are confident to recommend any of the guides and companies below.

Austria: Private Tours in Vienna https://www.wienguide.net/

Croatia: Dubrovnik Tours https://dubrovnik-tours.com

Estonia: Sunshine Guides

Finland: Ataman Tours https://www.atamantours.com/

France: My Private Paris https://myprivateparis.com/

Germany: Berlin Private Tours https://www.berlinprivatetours.com

Greece: Insiders Travel Experiences https://www.athensinsiders.com/

Hungary: Anna'Sights https://www.annasights.com

Italy: Rome Private Excursions https://www.romeprivateexcursions.com/

Malta: Malta Tour Guide http://www.maltatourguide.com/

Montenegro: Montenegro Tours https://www.mtours.me/

Poland: Private Tours Krakow, https://www.privatetourskrakow.com/

Portugal: Hello Portugal Tours and Guides, https://www.facebook.com/helloportugaltours/

Romania: Private Tours in Romania https://www.itravelinromania.com

Russia: Eagle Travel https://travelwitheagle.com/ 

Serbia: Explore Belgrade https://explore-belgrade.com/

Spain: Spain Private Guides www.spainprivateguides.com

The UK: Totally Tailored https://totallytailored.com/

The Netherlands: Amsterdam Experiences https://www.amsterdamexperiences.nl

Turkey: Serif Yenen Tours https://serifyenen.com/